
Luis Gómez Montoya

Audit Partner

Financial and Operational Audits | Certification of Technical Assistance Services provided by non-domiciled entities

Executive Summary

Certified Public Accountant from the Universidad Privada San Martin de Porres. He has postgraduate studies in Business Administration and Finance from the Escuela Superior de Administración de Negocios (ESAN)  and an International Certification IFRS (IFRS) issued in July 2012 by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW). Luis is an Audit Partner with 34 years of experience. He was the Audit Manager from 1990 to 1999 and Chief of Audit from 2000 to 2003 in Pazos, Lopez de Romaña, Rodríguez Sociedad Civil de Responsabilidad Limitada Firm member of BDO. He disposes of experience in audits of mining, textiles, commercial, industrial and education.