Digital Solution for Accounting and Administrative Processes

Digital Solution for Accounting and Administrative Processes

We offer to our clients the systems with which we provide digital accounting and administrative services. Such systems are easy to use and are implemented in accordance with the tax and accounting regulations in force in Peru. We have a team of professionals who provide support to our clients for the improvements and updates to those IT solutions.

The digitalization of accounting and administrative processes involves automating and optimizing manual and repetitive tasks, which allows our clients to increase the efficiency of their administrative operations while reducing errors by applying automatic controls in a secure environment.

Our services include:

  • Process digitalization and automation:
    • Electronic invoicing.
    • Purchases from suppliers: control of purchase orders, receipt and approval of documents.
    • Expense reports: travel expenses, petty cash, advances to be settled, among others.
    • Treasury: Collections and payments.
    • Accounting processing.
  • Software security features:
    • Approval of cost/expense invoices and scheduling of payments.
    • Signing of digital documents with digital certificates.
    • Custody of digital and digitalized documents in a single repository with Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
    • Storing of documents recorded in our systems on our own servers, controlled under high information security standards.